Conservative Politicians Across Canada Defend Parental Rights as Alberta Premier Balks
The Story: As governments around the world begin to ban gender transition procedures for minors, a wave of support for parental rights protections is taking hold across Canada. A new Angus Reid poll indicates that 78% of Canadians believe parents should be informed if their child chooses to change gender identity, with regional numbers showing similar levels of support in all areas of the country.
This week, Blaine Higgs officially defeated an attempt by insiders within his own party to oust him as Premier of New Brunswick, demonstrating the lack of any meaningful opposition to the Province’s parental consent policy. Federal Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre voiced his support for parental authority by stating, “my view is that parents should be the final authority on the values and the lessons that are taught to children. I believe in parental rights, and parental rights come before the government’s rights.” Elsewhere, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe has permanently banned Planned Parenthood from presenting in Saskatchewan schools, strengthening his previously-announced parental rights policy. Even moderate Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce issued a statement in support of parental authority.
The highest-profile outlier to Canada’s national movement against the imposition of gender ideology on children is the Province of Alberta. Despite growing pressure to introduce similar parental rights protections, Premier Danielle Smith told The Western Standard, “I have said that we don’t really want to politicize these issues, because these issues are ones that are very private, family issues so we’re trying to avoid turning it into a political hot potato. Because we want to make sure that kids feel supported but we’ve also been clear that we also respect parental rights.” Premier Smith also indicated that the issue would be discussed at next month’s United Conservative caucus retreat.
The Significance: Canada’s rapidly-forming opposition to secret childhood gender transition is an undeniably positive development. For the last six decades, proponents of the Sexual Revolution have faced very little resistance from Canada’s elected officials. In fact, almost every item the sexual revolutionaries advocated for has now been accomplished—including the full legalization of abortion, the liberalization of divorce laws, the removal of all regulation on the use of contraceptives, the decriminalization of sodomy, the recognition of so-called gay marriage, and the criminalization of “anti-LGBTQ” speech.
Thankfully, however, the once-inevitable wave of sexual liberty has now crashed against the rocks of biological reality. Even subjugation of the truth cannot mask the obvious insanity of allowing prepubescent boys and girls to make decisions about reproduction and sexual identity. Knowingly or unknowingly, modern men and women still live in God’s world and everything inside that world operates according to the standard of His good design. Because of this, no amount of queer theory will be able to change the truth that boys are boys, girls are girls, and every single child is formed according to the grand design of a good God—the same God who now offers lasting freedom from sexual brokenness to everyone who repents of their sin and trusts in the finished work of Jesus Christ for salvation.
This is good news for Canada. As we unfailingly proclaim this good news, we should also celebrate every political decision that protects the innocence of childhood in today’s world. One can only pray that Alberta’s Premier will also come to understand the urgent need for such protections.
Read More: Alex Dhaliwal, RebelNews, “Smith supports ‘conscience rights,’ has yet to table plan for ‘pronoun’ policy in schools”
Government of Canada Warns LGBQT Citizens About Travel to the United States
The Story: The Government of Canada has issued a travel advisory to Canadian citizens visiting the United States. In the advisory, the Government urges travelers to “carefully consider whether you are comfortable visiting a destination where the laws and social customs affecting (LGBTQ+) people differ from those in Canada.” The advisory refers to states which “have enacted laws and policies that may affect 2SLGBTQI+ persons” but fails to specify the states in question.
The Significance: Although the Federal Government’s decision to issue an advisory warning citizens about traveling to a closely allied nation may seem laughable, this move reveals Canada’s transformed understanding of discrimination—now defining discrimination as a failure to affirm particular behaviours and identities rather than as partiality based on immutable characteristics such as race. By elevating the self as the final arbiter of reality, Canadian society has made an idol of personal identity.
This should be a reminder to true Christians that self-identity is never ultimate. In fact, our own self-identities are often faulty, misguided, and evil. To guard against this, each person must build their identity solely upon the rock of the Christian gospel. All other ground is sinking sand.
Read More: Sean Previl, Global News, “Canada advises LGBTQ2 travellers to be aware of U.S. state laws”
Ontario Catholic School Teacher Under Fire for Confronting Pornography
The Story: A Catholic school teacher in Mississauga is engaged in a legal dispute after attempting to stop the distribution of “revenge porn” among his students. Following multiple incidents of male students distributing explicit images of female classmates, Jimmy Dziedzina confronted a student who, he claims, was the primary instigator. The student responded by issuing complaints that led to Dziedzina’s arrest. A subsequent investigation by the Children’s Aid Society cleared the teacher of all wrongdoing in the matter. Now fighting for his job, Dziedzina has expressed frustration that the serious and abusive actions of the students have not been investigated, thereby ignoring the exploited female students.
The Significance: Sadly, Jimmy Dziedzina’s school board and teachers union have offered no defence for his effort to address the growing problem of revenge porn in Canadian schools. Ironically, many school boards that allow students to change gender identities for “safety and privacy” purposes are now turning a blind eye to serious sexual exploitation accusations. In the coming years, we will almost certainly see a continued flood of families moving to alternative schooling options rather than entrusting their kids to any kind of taxpayer-funded system.
Read More: Ari Blaff, True North, “Catholic School District Turned Blind Eye to ‘revenge porn’ and serial sextorter”
Kleenex Exits Canadian Market
The Story: Kleenex, the iconic tissue brand, has announced that their product will no longer be available in Canadian stores. Kimberly-Clark, the brand’s parent company, is blaming Canada’s “unique complexities.” Economic observers have pointed to massive increases in transportation and logistical costs as a likely culprit for the product’s exit.
This marks another significant addition to a growing list of brands that have abandoned the Canadian market, including Bugles, Skippy Peanut Butter, Ragu pasta sauce, and a swath of Nestlé brands such as Delissio and other frozen food items.
The Significance: In 1989, Soviet President Boris Yeltsin made an unscheduled visit to a Texas supermarket. He was shocked by the options for shoppers, reportedly saying: “Even the Politburo doesn’t have this choice. Not even Mr. Gorbachev.”
We are blessed to live in a country with so many options. And while we should not overreact to any one brand exiting a market, a pattern is forming where poor economic management is driving up inflation and harming market competition. Necessary products are starting to cost so much that some families are foregoing fresh produce and the demand on food banks is reaching all-time highs. Good governance matters and, where it is missing, the people suffer. Christians now have a tremendous opportunity to demonstrate sacrificial generosity to their neighbors in need.
Read More: Aaron D’Andrea, Global News, “Kleen-exit: Iconic tissue brand to be wiped from Canadian shelves”
Quick Hits
Doctor sues Queen’s University for forcing resignation over COVID-19 comments: Dr. Matt Strauss, a well-known anti-lockdown advocate, is suing Queen’s University for allegedly forcing his resignation due to his views on Covid-19. Dr. Strauss held a position as assistant professor of medicine at Queens until “malicious, aggressive, condescending and defamatory statements” from Dr. Stephen Archer, head of the University’s medical school, allegedly made his position untenable. According to the filing, Dr. Archer accused Dr. Strauss of “dangerous and misleading” actions, which threatened to “endanger patients.” The case will be heard before the courts in the coming months.
Read More: Andrew Lawton True North LAWTON: Doctor sues Queen’s University over job loss for Covid opinions
RCMP ignored internal apology recommendation for Nova Scotia killing response: A newly-released memo has revealed that the RCMP ignored its own internal recommendation to apologize for their mishandling of the response to the Nova Scotia mass killings in 2020. Due to multiple failures in communication, command, and equipment during the response, the memo encouraged the acting commissioner to apologize to the victims’ families. Instead, the RCMP has refused to take responsibility. From alleged political interference in the investigation to a lack of accountability following the inquiry, Canada’s national police force has lost significant trust in the aftermath of the killings. For the sake of the country, local police officers, and good governance, we continue to call for real leadership in the RCMP.
Read More: Justin Ling Globe and Mail Memo called for RCMP to issue apology over handling of N.S. mass shooting months ago