Enemies inside the gates – The Dominion Report, June 8, 2024

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Intelligence Committee: Some MPs Colluded with Foreign Powers

The Story: Canadian Parliamentarians were “witting” foreign state collaborators, an explosive new report states. The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP), which oversees national intelligence organizations, revealed that multiple elected MPs may have committed treason by knowingly benefiting from foreign interference in nominations and elections. While opposition parties have demanded transparency, the government has not released the names of these MPs nor involved the RCMP due to political considerations, allied intelligence operational restrictions, and legal limitations. NSICOP also detailed how legacy media were financially compromised by the Chinese Communist Party into changing their coverage of CCP issues.

Following this report, NSICOP stated that the Federal government is withholding over 1,000 additional security documents, making their oversight mandate far more difficult.

The Significance: Allegations of treason, while horrifying, ought to not be surprising. The modern world has completely lost the sense of the profound and the sacred, and our vows are less weighty than the paper they are written on, because we deny He in whom all vows find their authority.

In the Gospel of Matthew, Christ tells us to “Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.” In this, He was warning us against making oaths lightly and commanding us instead to be truthful in all things. When we do make a vow—such as in marriage—it is no light thing: we will be judged against our words by God Himself.

We can and should hope for the unmasking and judgment of these elected collaborators, but we should not expect anything better until our culture once again learns that most profound gift of the Holy Spirit: Fear of the Lord.

Read More: Editorial Board, The Globe and Mail, “Name those parliamentarians who collude against us”

Federal Liberal Carbon Tax Coverup

The Story: Conservative politicians are accusing the government of covering up the truth about the carbon tax after allegations that Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux was instructed not to release a report. After reports on the impact of the carbon tax in 2022 and 2023 were revealed by the PBO to contain faults, a corrected report was commissioned, but allegedly came to the same conclusion that the carbon tax costs Canadians money.

Giroux has stated that the new report backs up this claim but said that the Liberals will not let him release the report. While the Liberals deny it, at least one email from the Liberal deputy environment minister has been published which explicitly instructs Giroux, an independent officer who answers to Parliament rather than the government, not to publish the data.

The Significance: Christians are often accused of being cult-like. We are used to being falsely accused of following our convictions blindly and, as far back as the first disciples, accused of covering up evidence that would contradict our beliefs. 

What we have in the Liberal environmental minister and his associates is true cultism. They have a belief and they refuse to discuss or allow any evidence that contradicts it. Whereas Christians are instructed in the Bible to be ready to give an answer at any moment and anytime regarding the gospel, the environmentalists have elevated their worship of earth above the value of humanity to the point that they will hide any evidence that could contradict their claims.

As Christians we should be good stewards of God’s beautiful creation. We should, however, have nothing to do with the climate cultists who readily sacrifice truth for their cause.

Read More: Canadian Press, “Fed Hiding Negative Carbon Price Report, says PBO

Bill to Require Age Verification for Porn Actors Passess Second Reading  

The Story: Bill C-270, a bill sponsored by Alberta MP Arnold Viersen to crack down on underage pornography, passed second reading in the House of Commons by a 327-0 vote. The Bill would “prohibit a person from making, distributing or advertising pornographic material…without having first ascertained that…each person whose image is depicted in the material was 18 years of age or older and gave their express consent to their image being depicted.” Bill C-270 comes in the aftermath of serious allegations against Canadian-based PornHub, a pornography giant that has portrayed untold hours of underage and non-consensual sexual material on its platform. This Bill would enable prosecutors to charge companies such as PornHub for distributing the illegal material. 

The Significance: In the midst of a rapidly secularizing and increasingly radical culture, nothing is easier than adopting a defeatist attitude about the futility of resisting the tidal wave of sexual perversion. Christians observe the advance of the sexual revolution and often conclude that the truth could never win in this country. The history of Bill C-270, however, tells a different story.

MP Viersen began fighting against online pornography almost immediately upon his first election in 2015, speaking repeatedly on an issue that had received almost no political attention since the pre-internet age when pornography could only be accessed in print magazines. He received public ridicule from enemies and scoffing from political allies. Nine years later, however, his bill to curb the distribution of illegal pornography passed unanimously in the House of Commons. There are no perfect politicians, and we must never put our trust in princes (Ps. 146:3), but men like Arnold Viersen are rare examples of moral courage and his success against the pornography industry should demonstrate that, with God’s grace on our side, this nation is not beyond redemption. 

Read More: ARPA Canada, “Protecting Vulnerable Youth From Pornography”

Over 1,000 Ballots Ignored at Edmonton Christian School AGM 

The Story: To combat the teaching of LGBTQ idealogy in Edmonton Christian Schools, a group of Christian parents began organizing Society members to vote for a Biblically faithful board of trustees at the School Society’s AGM. The group signed up over 1,000 members to submit absentee ballots in support of their candidates. At the in-person AGM, however, one individual moved a motion to invalidate all absentee ballots on the basis that candidates who were nominated from the floor did not appear on the ballot. The chair (who is pregnant, diabetic, and endured a meeting lasting over six hours) initially ruled against the motion, however after being repeatedly shouted down and protested by the crowd, she allowed a vote to reverse the motion. All absentee ballots were invalidated—allowing 800 members to overrule the votes of 1,000 members—and the slate of Biblically faithful candidates was defeated. 

The Significance: Beyond the obviously undemocratic action of a minority of voters invalidating over 1,000 legally submitted votes, this story holds an important reminder for Canadian Christians: the fight in our culture is not always against reasonable individuals who simply need to hear a good argument to be persuaded, but is instead often against individuals who are so hardened against the truth that they will do anything—including removing voting rights—to protect their ideology from the light of God’s truth. We cannot, of our own power, change the hearts of these poor men and women. Instead, we must pray that the Holy Spirit would regenerate their hearts and ignite a love for the truth of Scripture and the glory of the Gospel of Christ. With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. 

Christians who wish to support the Biblically faithful parents of Edmonton Christian Schools can have their voices heard here

Read More: Saving Childhood, “Support the Parents of Edmonton Christian Schools”

Quick Hit:

Support for “LGBT” issues dropping in Canada: Support for “LGBT” issues has dropped in Canada following pushback on radical sex-ed, drag queen story hour, and biological males identifying as transgender to compete in women’s sports. For the first time in over a decade, Canadians are less likely to support so-called “visibility”, with drops of 10%+ in support for LGBT characters and romance on screen, corporate LGBT promotions, and transgender men in women’s sports. The most notable divide was found in Gen Z (1996-2012), where support for LGBT issues is -20% among males compared to females. The lesson in this is clear: leave the kids alone.

Read More: Ipsos, “LGBT+ Pride Report 2024”

A Truth to Consider

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