The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail – The Dominion Report, June 15, 2024

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BC School Division Organizes Children’s Pride Parade

The Story: As so-called Pride month began, a BC school district organized a Children’s Pride Parade in which children from five elementary schools lined up to march in support of LGBTQ sexual expression. Earlier, just four Manitoba MLAs voted against a bill to recognize Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility in the province. Finally, the Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board voted against flying the pride flag on school properties. 

The Significance: As the Sexual Revolution rages on, the month of June has been reserved for the celebration of sexual degradation. Disgustingly, many activists are seeking—and succeeding—to involve children in these celebrations. Beyond the regular moral questions of involving children as soldiers in the culture war, the involvement of these children in celebrating sexual inclinations that they should be carefully guarded against represents a severe moral low. Thankfully, the involvement of children in the celebration of Pride has caused many Canadians to begin fighting back against Pride month celebrations—sometimes against great internal, elite pressure. This group includes the 4 MLAs who voted against recognizing Two-Spirit and Transgender Day of Visibility and the trustees of Dufferin Peel Catholic School Board who resisted the pressure of the day and stood for truth. Pride month is fundamentally a battleground of gods, and at least a few have chosen not to bow the knee to Baal. 

Read More: Drea Humphrey, Rebel News, “B.C. school district hosts Pride parade for children while keeping parents in the dark”

Toronto Anglican Church Destroyed by Fire

The Story: St. Anne’s Anglican Church, a 116-year-old Toronto church building, has been destroyed by fire. The building, which is a registered historic site, had been the only Byzantine-style Anglican church building in the nation and contained several historic Group of Seven paintings which were also destroyed in the blaze. The cause of the fire, which led to just the latest in over 100 church burnings since 2021, has not yet been determined. 

The Significance: Sadly, this story is the latest in what has been an unprecedented surge in church burnings since 2021—a surge which has been met with apparent apathy from governing authorities and much of the general population. Beyond the explicit targeting of Christians, the loss of these often historic buildings is simply tragic and is a poignant reminder of a golden age that has passed away and will not soon be rebuilt. The loss of these buildings is something to be mourned. 

We should remember, however, that Jesus’s promise that the gates of Hell will not prevail against His church applies to the people of God, not to the physical buildings that may be torched by God’s enemies. Thus, we should rejoice that, even as men attempt to thwart God’s purposes by burning church buildings, God himself continues to bring his people to himself through the blood of Jesus and, though we mourn the loss of beautiful buildings, we long to see God’s churches full even if we must meet in a field, a strip mall, or amid the smoldering ashes of a burned church building. As the Hymn goes:

 We long to see Thy churches full
That all the chosen race
May with one voice and heart and soul
Sing Thy redeeming grace

Read More: Leyland Cecco, The Guardian, “‘Heartbreaking’: fire destroys historic Toronto church and rare paintings”

Charges Against Diagolon Founder Stayed

The Story: The final of twenty-three charges against controversial podcaster Jeremy Mackenzie has been stayed by a judge, bringing an end to his multi-year legal ordeal from his role in anti-lockdown protests. Mackenzie—a veteran of Afghanistan—is the founder of Diagolon, an online community that memes itself as a fictitious country and which has been a boogeyman for the federal Liberal government since the Freedom Convoy. The federal government claimed that Diagolon was a national security threat and used them as justification for enacting the Emergencies Act. Later reporting showed that both the federal government and the RCMP were aware that this claim was likely not true.

The Significance: Jeremy Mackenzie is not a good man.He has claimed that Jews control the media, spoke on his podcast about wanting to sexually assault Pierre Poilievre’s wife, and was charged for protesting in a private neighbourhood.

All of that can be true, and yet it is also true that Mackenzie has been scapegoated by a government and media desperate for their own January 6th, that his arrests and the charges against him were politically motivated, and that his de-banking by Scotiabank is a troubling precedent. The Biblical principle of equality under the law (Num 15:15) has been ignored more and more often in both Canada and the United States, with Christians, pro-lifers, and Jews being either unfairly targeted by laws or left without the protection those laws ought to provide.

If we are to change this trend, we need to start with the Mackenzies of the world. To quote one of the great English plays: “I’d give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety’s sake!”

Read More: Clayton DeMaine, True North, “Diagolon founder Jeremy Mackenzie’s final charges have been stayed “

Polling shows Canadians are confused and wrong on Abortion

The Story: A recent poll on the legality of abortion in Canada is bad news for pro-life advocates in Canada, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.

A recent poll conducted by Leger found that 80% of Canadians believed that abortion should be legal. Even worse, a mere 6% of Canadians said they were strongly opposed to abortion being legal.

Considering that abortion is currently legal in Canada in all circumstances up to, and including birth, the number is shockingly high.

However, a separate poll asking Canadians their thoughts on the morality of abortion yielded very different results. The poll, conducted by Research Co. early in June, found only 58% of Canadians say they believe abortion is morally acceptable. 

The Significance: These recent polls contain two pieces of bad news. Firstly, a shockingly high number of Canadians believe that abortion should be legal. Secondly, many Canadians have bought the lie that morality shouldn’t impact legality.

It should be no surprise that too few politicians are willing to stand up for life when—if these polls are taken at face value—half of Canadians who believe abortion is morally wrong don’t think it should be illegal. Currently, the pro-life community in Canada has lost the battle to the false narrative that the murder of babies should be a political issue.

This leaves us with three groups of people who should know better:

  1. Politicians waiting to find their voice for the voiceless until the public is behind them should realize they will ultimately answer to God—not to polls.
  2. Canadians who know abortion is wrong morally should know that the murder of babies is not legally defensible.
  3. Canadians who think abortion is fine should realize murdering babies cannot be moral.

Read More: Tristan Hopper National Post What Canada’s Silent Majority Believe

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