Wombs for Rent – The Dominion Report, April 13, 2024


Major British Report Exposes Transgender Ideology

The Story: A comprehensive, four-year-long British study on trans-affirming treatment for minors has exposed bad practices, misinformation, and outright lies in the effort to push irreversible surgery on kids.

The report, led by retired pediatrician Hillary Cass, was commissioned by the British government and took place over four years. The report found no evidence that puberty blockers were reversible or that they provided youth with “time to think.” Rather, they often caused permanent sterilization and even reduced bone density.

Other findings show that the majority of treatment guidelines accepted around the world were not “evidenced based” and that there is no evidence that so-called “gender-affirming” treatment is life-saving. Dr. Cass also found that the threat of suicide has been used as “emotional blackmail” against parents.

The Significance: We cannot cover the full findings of Dr. Hillary Cass here, but the case against permanently changing children’s bodies has once again been proven incredibly weak—if not purely ideological.

For a movement that claims only to promote medical and mental health, clinics that could have provided evidence to contradict Dr. Cass’s findings refused to offer access or evidence. Adult gender clinics that were asked to provide the opportunity to speak to former patients refused to do so. This of course calls into question whether the clinics themselves have any confidence that they are actually improving anyone’s life.

England’s National Health Service, which has already halted transgender surgery for minors, is now beginning a new inquiry into adult gender care.

Canada’s government must reverse course and join England in halting this harmful surgery. Canadians should loudly call for such action. The truth is now public; there are no more excuses. We are rapidly approaching the time when people will instead be asked “what did you do about it?” instead of “what did you know?” We must find the courage to act accordingly.

Read More: Adam Zivo, National Post, “The danger of puberty blockers for kids has never been more clear

Manitoba Government Expands Surrogacy Tax Credit

The Story: The Government of Manitoba has announced that individuals receiving fertility treatment will now be eligible for a refundable tax credit of up to $16,000, up from the previous $8,000 maximum. The tax credit will apply to surrogacy and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) in addition to restorative treatment options. Introducing the policy, Premier Wab Kinew stated, “For families on a path to parenthood, cost can be a big barrier. Our budget makes fertility treatments and surrogacy more accessible and affordable because starting a family shouldn’t be dictated by how much money you make.” The Government’s budget will also introduce universal contraception coverage in the province. 

The Significance: Driven in large part by material priorities and admitted selfism, Canadian society has undergone a steep, decades-long decline in the national birth rate. This trend has harmed cultural optimism and calcified self-focused behaviour in an entire generation of adults. Because of this, Premier Kinew’s desire to reverse the trend by encouraging child-bearing should be welcomed and applauded. However, the Government of Manitoba’s strategy includes procedures that will undermine families rather than strengthen them—including surrogacy, a practice littered with ethical landmines. 

Because surrogacy requires the use of IVF, each of the moral pitfalls present in the IVF process are also present in the surrogacy process. In addition to these, surrogacy involves the removal of a child from his mother and the sale of a woman’s womb. Moreover, the introduction of a third individual into the reproductive process raises questions about the integrity of the marriage union. God’s normative design is for a child to be begotten within the loving covenant union of a father and a mother—not as a manufactured entity or a burden that requires payment. 

Christians have always, and should always, seek to repair broken families through adoption. However, we should never intentionally create a broken family by distorting God’s design. 

The human body bears the image of God, belongs to God alone, and should never be available for human purchase. Our society rightly condemns the purchase of human beings through slavery and human trafficking. Sadly, that same society appears to be intent on encouraging the buying and selling of a woman’s bodies for the purpose of childbirth. 

Read More: Katie May, The Winnipeg Free Press, “Province celebrates fertility treatment tax credit, free birth control meds”

Dossier: Canadian Government Knew of Hamas Ties Prior to Funding UNRWA

The Story: According to an Israeli report, the Trudeau government knew the extent of the organization’s connection with Hamas prior to reinstating funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).The dossier, put together by Israel’s intelligence service, provides evidence of over a dozen UNRWA staff taking part in the October 7 massacre of Israeli civilians, and includes internal Hamas documents indicating that over 2,000 staff may also be members of the terrorist organization—200 of them in the Al-Qassam Brigade, Hamas’s military arm.

The Liberal government has sent $25 million to UNRWA since reinstating funding earlier this year.

The Significance: A defining feature of this government, brought into sharp focus since October 7, is moral cowardice. The Liberals have allowed antisemitic mobs calling for the death of Jews and the destruction of Israel to roam the streets of all Canada’s largest cities undeterred, and they have blocked weapon sales to Israel while continuing to sell weapons to countries guilty of slavery. Now they have gone one step further by knowingly providing tens of millions of dollars to an organization which effectively serves as the PR arm of murderous Hamas—and under the guise of humanitarianism, no less.

Regardless of the stated reason, the reality is that the Liberal decision was not based on humanitarian ideals, but on cynical political calculations. The Liberals have bled support from the Muslim community due to their transgender policies targeting children’s education. Reinstating funding is a cynical ploy to try to stem the bleeding and create a new issue with which to divide Canadians.

Read More: Bryan Passifiume, The National Post, “EXCLUSIVE: The evidence linking UNRWA to Hamas that Ottawa saw before resuming its funding”

Saskatoon Doctor Faces Discipline for Advising Patient Against Abortion

The Story: A Saskatoon doctor will be required to appear at a disciplinary hearing after he warned a patient against having an abortion over “moral and religious” concerns. According to the accusations, Dr. Terence Davids asked the woman if she believed in “our Lord and Saviour” and advised her against having an abortion by stating, “I think you should reconsider” and “you will regret this and you can’t take it back.” As a result of the woman’s complaint, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan has opened a hearing into the case. 

The Significance: Whether or not Dr. Davids violated the standards of his medical college is not the central moral question in this story. In fact, he very likely did violate those standards. Instead, there are two central elements to the moral significance of this story. 

First, abortion is fundamentally opposed to every doctor’s primary responsibility to care rather than kill. Whereas the regular task of medicine is concerned with preserving life, the objective of abortion is the violent end of an innocent life. Abortion perverts the good gift of medicine by using it to destroy God’s gift of life. Because of this, Dr. Davids—whatever his College may say—faithfully executed his responsibilities as a doctor by urging this woman not to have an abortion.

Second, the secularization of hospitals in the last century has created a sad dichotomy in which suffering patients are only provided partial care. Cures are prescribed for a patient’s outward defects while underlying spiritual conditions go undiagnosed. As a result, these hospitals are little more than empty clinics where spiritually dead men and women find fleeting and partial healing as their souls continue toward death. Our society would be better off if good doctors were free to talk about spiritual healing in addition to physical healing. 

Read More: Rory MacLean, CTV News, “’Our Lord and Saviour’: Saskatoon doctor allegedly tried to talk patient out of abortion for religious reasons”

A Truth to Consider

“Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” – 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

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