The Dominion Report is a weekly newsletter committed to bringing you the most important stories for Canadian Christians to consider as they seek to live faithful lives in the communities God has placed them in.
The next season of the Dominion Report begins with a look at some of the biggest stories of the previous year and what they mean for 2025.
Deputy Prime Minister Quits Cabinet as Prime Minister Pressured to Resign
The Story: On December 16, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland announced her resignation in a letter directed to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau: “for the past number of weeks, you and I have found ourselves at odds about the best path forward for Canada.” Freeland proceeded to criticize Trudeau’s handling of President-elect Donald Trump’s threat to place a 25% tariff on all Canadian imports into the United States.
Amid increasing unpopularity, internal discord, and grim election projections, a growing portion of Trudea’s Liberal caucus is now calling for his resignation—including majorities of the Party’s Ontario, Quebec, and Atlantic members.
As the Liberal Party divides over leadership issues, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh has now joined Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and Bloc Quebecois Leader Yves-Francois Blanchet in committing to vote no confidence in the Government—meaning that a federal election will very likely take place within the next five months. Based on current polling trends, Pierre Polievre’s Conservatives are poised to win a majority Government in that election.
The Significance: Immediately following the Liberal Party’s significant majority victory in 2015, new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s dramatic personal popularity and progressive appeal produced a feeling of invincibility in the Liberal ranks. Over the last decade, however, Trudeau’s popularity has worn away and his Party is now on the brink of total political collapse in this year’s election.
Today, Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives enjoy a similar wave of wild popularity and will almost certainly form Government. However, we should remember—with the benefit of history—that Poilievre’s popularity will also be fleeting and a future Conservative Government will one day crumble as well.
This serves as a stark reminder that we must not trust in princes to deliver our nation from trouble. Instead, we honour and pray for our leaders with the full understanding that the flourishing of our nation ultimately depends not on the fleeting popularity of politicians but on the mercy of the LORD by whom “kings reign” (Prov. 8:15).
Our task, then, is to remain faithful with the time allotted to us as Canadian citizens and to remember that, while human kingdoms are fleeting, God’s kingdom will stand forever.
Read More: Stephanie Taylor, National Post, “Liberal caucus will meet on Wednesday as pressure mounts for Trudeau to resign”
Four Provinces Elect New Governments in 2024
The Story: In the final months of 2024, voters in British Columbia, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and Nova Scotia, went to the polls to elect new governments. In BC, the ruling NDP narrowly survived an insurgent BC Conservative Party which ran aggressively against the NDP’s radicalism on gender ideology and the decriminalization of hard drugs. In Saskatchewan, the incumbent conservative Saskatchewan Party won a closer-than-anticipated election against an NDP opposition who capitalized on the Government’s fading popularity. In New Brunswick, PC Premier Blaine Higgs—the first Premier in Canada to oppose rampant gender ideology in public schools—lost his re-election bid to Liberal now-Premier Susan Holt, who has begun to undo the education policies of the previous administration. In Nova Scotia, incumbent PC Premier Tim Houston won reelection handily against his Liberal and NDP opponents.
Along with this year’s federal election, a provincial election will take place in Newfoundland and Labrador, with rumours also swirling about a potential early election in Ontario.
The Significance: As media outlets closely cover the dramatic events unfolding ahead of the upcoming federal election, important decisions and elections continue to take place at the provincial level. For Christians, many of the most important issues—childhood gender transition, abortion funding, and school choice policies—are all regulated by the provincial legislatures. The outcome of each election, then, often represents a dramatic turning point on major cultural issues.
As a result, we should be in regular prayer for the leaders and members of our provincial legislatures—even if they do not always receive as much attention as their federal counterparts—praying that God would allow them to govern righteously and without corruption. While no Government can offer permanent peace or perfect justice, God often shows his mercy to a place by giving it good rulers to restrain evil and promote goodness. We should be thankful for each similar measure of mercy we receive in our provinces and refuse to take such mercies for granted.
Read More: Rahim Mohamad, National Post, “Incumbent fatigue and fizzling culture wars: Strategists find lessons for Poilievre in provincial elections”
Liberal Government Targets Pregnancy Care Centres
The Story: Continuing the pattern set by their pro-abortion attestation for summer students, the Liberal government introduced legislation which would require pregnancy crisis centres to state in a government-approved manner that they do not provide abortions or referrals for abortions. Should this legislation pass, pregnancy crisis centres could lose their charitable status if they do not comply.
The Liberals and NDP often target crisis pregnancy centres in their rhetoric and make claims that the centres use lies and manipulation to prevent women from having abortions. These claims are largely based on a “study” by radical abortion activist Joyce Arthur, which includes complaints such as “81.8% [of crisis pregnancy centres] (117) emphasized adoption or presented adoption as a better option to abortion”, and “13.9% (20) advocated for abstinence or discourage sex outside of marriage.”
The Significance: It has become something of a cliche that when the Liberals are flagging in the polls and need a quick boost of support, they turn to two issues: guns and abortion. In this case, their attacks on pregnancy crisis centres undermine both the role of Christian charity in our society and the centrality of free expression, yet most Canadians—including the Conservative opposition—have stayed shockingly silent. But while this is all true, much to Canada’s shame, it is far from the main story.
In 2024, abortion was the world’s leading cause of death at nearly 45 million human beings killed, over four times as many as died from cancer. Pregnancy crisis centres, though they do amazing work for mothers who need help making a life-affirming choice, are a drop in the ocean of abortion clinics. It is a truly wicked force that convinces someone like Trudeau that the problem is not the 45 million innocent children who were killed in their mother’s wombs, but the handful who got away.
Read More: Anthony Murdoch, LifeSiteNews, “Trudeau government introduces bill that could strip pro-life pregnancy centers of charity status”
Quick Hits
Canadian euthanasia regime becomes bleak example for United Kingdom: As the United Kingdom continues to debate the legalization of assisted suicide, many opponents of the measure have pointed to Canada as an example of liberalized assisted suicide gone wrong. Since the practice was legalized in 2016, assisted suicide has now become Canada’s 4th leading cause of death with many cases involving individuals who are not terminally ill. As Canada’s governing Liberals appear set to lose re-election, all eyes will be on a Conservative Majority Government to see how far—if it all—they will roll back Canada’s deadly euthanasia regime.
Read More: Nadine Yousif, BBC News, “Assisted dying now accounts for one in 20 Canada deaths”
Ontario town forced to pay fine for refusing to fly Pride flag: After the town of Emo, Ontario, voted against allowing the Pride flag to fly on town property, Borderland Pride sued the town, allowing the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal to issue a $10,000 fine to the town and a $5,000 personal fine to Harold McQuaker. After McQuaker refused to pay the fine, a court ordered the money to be forcibly withdrawn from McQuaker’s bank account. If anything, this story demonstrates that there is no neutrality in the war between God’s created order and the sexual revolutionaries. There is no middle way between righteousness and wickedness.
Read More: Jonathan Van Maren, The Bridgehead, “Canada’s LGBT activists don’t want tolerance. They want domination”
A Big Announcement
Beginning next Saturday, The Dominion Report will offer a weekly podcast version of our newsletter. You can subscribe to the podcast and listen to the trailer episode by clicking below!
A Truth To Consider
Why do the nations rage
and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
and the rulers take counsel together,
against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let us burst their bonds apart
and cast away their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens laughs;
the Lord holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath,
and terrify them in his fury, saying,
As for me, I have set my King
on Zion, my holy hill.”
. -Psalm 2:1-6